
Inspires me every time!

My niece lives in Duncan BC and she graciously forwards your magazine to me in Toronto.  I must congratulate my BC neighbours for such a delightful magazine. The most outstanding feature is the real life stories of people who are living life to the fullest!! It inspires me every time I receive one. The entire magazine is full of good news.  Keep up the good work !!!  Best Regards, Joan Harkness

Continuing to be INSPIRED

A note of praise and gratitude for yet another favourite issue of your Inspired magazine!! I thought the article about Louise Penney’s life was fascinating and humbling but the senior sailor in  December’s issue “Just Do It” blew me away with her determination.

I’m certain that your company will continue to produce inspiring articles, simply because of the many positive people who strive to make the most of their lives.

I’m constantly promoting your magazine.

Thanks again.

Linda Toffolo

Re: INSPIRED Magazine

It’s been the better part of a month since you have me on the cover of INSPIRED magazine but I can honestly say that virtually every day since someone has made a comment that they have read the magazine and the feature.  So obviously your distribution is excellent and your readership must be even better.  You do good work.

Kind regards,

Peter Legge

Peter Legge Management Company Ltd.

Re: May 2017 Edition

I thoroughly enjoyed this latest publication.  I have kept quite a few of the articles, for myself as well as to share with others.  My Danish sister-in-law, who lives in Edmonton, will love the “Finding Hygge In Denmark” story, by James Ellsworth.  I recently gave her a book on Hygge so this is timely.  The Legacy Giving article by Amber Adams clearly talks about the types and timing of charitable donations.  And Pat Nichol always connects – sharing her thoughts on living joyously.

Still more:  Sharing Family Stories, by Diane Salter (I’ll be sharing this with my Mom, brothers and their wives) and I’m planning to buy Mike McCardell’s book:  “None of This Was Planned”, as talked about in the article Lauren P. MacLellan contributed.  And all of the other articles were meaningful too!  The Angel For A Day, by Kate Robertson, is so very inspiring and encouraging – after reading what Diane Falk has done in the medical profession to help patients and their families.

So really, this entire magazine is full of valuable information about valuable people.  I’m just feeling bad now because I’m not listing the rest of the terrific articles……but the good news is they are all online to read!

Thank you for presenting such quality contributions and feel-good reading.


Gail (Lovig) Eskelson

Fanny Bay


(Editor’s note:  Gail Lovig is the daughter and retired manager/publisher of Jean Parè’s “Company’s Coming” cookbooks.)

Re: Online Seniors Housing Directory

I’m one of a team of Information and Referral volunteers working at the Seniors Resource Centre of Kitsilano Neighbourhood House. I am writing to you today to tell you how very much we appreciate the invaluable job you do publishing the online Seniors Housing Directory. We have it bookmarked in our Internet browser and frequently turn to it when helping our seniors.  Our records show that of all the queries we handle, the most common are about housing. Yet given how important this issue is seniors, it is difficult it to find a good directory. We have searched thoroughly, and although there are a few other lists around, they all pale in comparison to yours–none is as comprehensive, as well organized, as accessible, and as up-to-date.  I myself am a librarian, and have worked in Information and Referral Centres for over ten years. I am well aware of how much work it takes to compile a list like this. We at the Seniors Resources Centre would like to assure you that you are providing an important and valuable resource to the seniors of Vancouver, and to express our appreciation to you for maintaining it.

With sincere thanks,

Arlene Higgs

Info and Referral Volunteer, Seniors Resource Centre
Kitsilano Neighborhood House

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