How Cats Make You Happier and Healthier

What a crowning achievement — you’ve reached the golden years! If you’d like a steadfast friend with whom to share them, consider cat adoption. Among pet options, cats are perfect for older adults, being small and easy to care for.

Plus, when it comes to aging, cat ownership has surprising benefits. Here’s why feline friendship is the best medicine during your senior years.

Feline Affection Eases Pain

While getting older, have you been visited by aching and stiffness? Most of us seniors can testify to this. Some medical conditions resist conventional pain relief, such as arthritis, diabetes, and fibromyalgia.

However, studies show that petting a cat allays discomfort. This soothing activity releases endorphins, natural pain-reducing chemicals. This physiologic response is one reason why pet therapy is so effective.

Here’s a scientific example. A 2009 university study found that, after joint replacement surgery, adults receiving pet therapy required half the amount of pain medicine than those who didn’t obtain the therapy.

To see therapy cats in action, here’s a charming video, filmed at an assisted living facility.

Kitties Make Life Fulfilling

Caring for a cat raises your self-esteem. Kitty’s reliance on you blesses your days with meaningful activity, so you feel valued and important. While tending to Kitty’s needs, you have a delightful sense of purpose. You’re also grounded in the present, free of worry and depression.

Each time you pet Kitty, your body floods with serotonin and dopamine, joy-producing hormones. Meanwhile, your cat revels in the attention. Purring is proof that Kitty adores your company!

Feline stunts will have you grinning and giggling. When you adopt a cat, you needn’t buy pricey toys. Kitties are content to amuse themselves with household items. Your cat will gladly tussle with a ball of yarn, plastic bottle, paper tube, sock, or anything else that moves.

Of course, Kitty will also welcome fancy gadgets, should you wish to get them. Note that with some toys, your cat will need supervision. From a veterinary behaviorist, here are tips for safe feline play.

Cat Ownership Promotes Heart Health

In 2006, Canadian scientists discovered an amazing medical phenomenon! Cat owners are 30 percent less prone to cardiovascular disease than adults without feline pets.

The 10-year study involved 4,435 adults, ages 30 to 75, roughly half of them cat parents. The researchers found that cat ownership markedly cut the risk of stroke and heart attack. This benefit is linked to the stress-lowering influence of feline companionship.

This finding builds on previous research concerning the “pet effect.” A 2002 university study of 240 couples found that those with pets had lower resting blood pressures and heart rates. Additionally, when challenged by doing mental arithmetic, the couples with pets had lower surges in blood pressure and quicker recovery than pet-less couples.

Loving a Kitty Strengthens Immunity

Feline friendship bestows infection-fighting chemicals. Among them are antimicrobial peptides and proteins, abbreviated AMPs. These molecules have the power to slay viruses, fungi, bacteria, and even cancer cells. Cat parenting also hikes levels of antibodies, white blood cells, and natural killer cells.

Chuckling at feline capers makes these health defenders surge. Giggling also subdues cortisol, a hormone released when we’re anxious and tense. Constant stress elevates cortisol, suppressing immune activity.

However, loving a kitty is good health insurance, guaranteeing lots of laughter. Here’s a heartwarming video that will tickle your funny bone.

Purring Stimulates Bone and Tissue Healing

A 2018 article in Orthopedics This Week reveals that purring triggers the mending of broken bones. This finding echoes 2006 research, measuring the sound vibrations of a cat’s purr, ranging from 25 to 140 Hz.

These frequencies match those clinically used to activate bone growth and heal fractures. Purring also aids the repair of injured muscles, tendons, and joints by deflating swelling and pain.

Purring is likewise calming. While listening to Kitty’s motor, your cortisol plummets, dispelling anxiety. At bedtime, cuddling with a cat is so relaxing, it can ease you into dreamland.

Cats Keep You Active

Caring for Kitty will rally your muscles and joints, promoting flexibility. A kitten will keep you busiest, but adult cats also need daily exercise to stay healthy.

In 2015, Canadian researchers found that pet ownership helps older adults remain independent in daily self-care, such as preparing meals, bathing, and dressing. The one-year study involved Ontario residents age 50+, living at home. Among them, the pet owners were more active than those without pets.

If you find movement difficult, play with Kitty using an “interactive toy,” one enabling your participation. An example is a wand toy, a pole with a fascinating gadget attached to the end, like a feather or fabric mouse. While seated, wave and wiggle the lure before Kitty, inviting leaps and pouncing.

The greater your activity level, the more your heart benefits. Do you need encouragement to move more? If so, this article delivers the goods!

Feline Bonding Improves Relationships

While petting a cat, your brain releases oxytocin, known as the “cuddle hormone.” This calming chemical summons feelings of empathy, generosity, and trust. By loving Kitty, you’ll be more inclined to develop friendships, averting loneliness.

Oxytocin dissolves tension by lowering blood pressure and cortisol. The cuddle hormone also heightens optimism and self-esteem. In this way, bonding with a cat boosts your outlook and confidence. Plus, socializing protects against cognitive decline, so you’re less prone to memory loss.

Golden Life

Let’s picture your life after cat adoption! Your days are steeped in purpose and meaning, affirming your self-worth. Kitty pours on the affection, so you feel deeply loved. Feline antics are so hilarious, you’re constantly smiling and laughing.

Caring for Kitty keeps you busy, averting lethargy, stiffness, and blue moods. Petting sessions boost your endorphins, easing pain.

In terms of cardiovascular wellness, you have a much lower risk of stroke and heart attack. With stronger immunity, you can better sidestep illness and disease. Should you have an injury or need surgery, Kitty’s purrs will help you heal faster.

With high levels of cuddle hormone, you’re upbeat and cordial, fostering close relationships. Between Kitty’s devotion and social support, you’re more confident and secure.

A cat in your life makes the golden years shine brighter!


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