Traditionally, the New Year is a time for resolutions. Whether it’s making a vow to lose weight, improve fitness, or stop smoking, the start of a new calendar year is a good time to recommit to your health.
Resolution success require changes in lifestyle habits. And as many of us soon realize, a habit is no easy thing to change!
Since losing weight and improving health are the most popular resolutions, you may be interested in an online “Boost Your Metabolism Program” I introduced several months ago.
The program is fun – and free – and you can work at your own pace. You don’t even need to register. All that’s required is access to a computer and the desire to accept change with an open mind.
The “Boost Your Metabolism Program” supplies eight healthy habits that can easily be squeezed into your daily routine. These practical tips are long-term lifestyle changes designed to help improve the efficiency of how your body “operates” – also known as your “metabolism” or “metabolic rate.”
Metabolism is the process of all the chemical reactions that occur in the cells of every living organism to sustain life. This includes transforming your food into fuel, burning calories, storing energy, and building your body structure. Those with an efficient metabolism have fewer concerns maintaining a healthy body weight.
Habits are like pathways in the brain, not unlike pathways in a forest. Creating a new path takes time. As you create this new path, you are also trying to avoid the familiarity and comfort of taking old paths (habits) that you can still clearly see. It takes diligence – and consistency – to keep grass, weeds and twigs from popping up again on the new path. You must continually walk it to stop that from happening – and to stop you from wanting to take the old, well-worn path!
I encourage you to check out these tips (or new habits) on my blog. Follow each one for as long as you need to become comfortable and familiar with it: until it becomes your new path. Then, move on to the next tip. Slowly and steadily, one change at a time will ensure your new habit sticks and your new path is clear-cut. The tips will be permanently stored on my blog, so you can easily access them when you are ready to advance to the next tip.
Here’s the link: or you can find it by Googling “Eve Lees Blog.”
Enjoy forging your new path this year! I wish you much health and happiness in 2018 and beyond.