SUNDAY, DEC. 15 PT 019 6/9 km Walk

Date(s) -Sunday, December 15, 2024
9:30 am - 12:00 pm

Location: City of Victoria parking lot at Ship Point


SUNDAY, DEC. 15 PT 019 6/9 km Walk:  Go to City of Victoria parking lot at Ship Point, 900 Wharf Street, Victoria, V8W 3Z3. Enter off Wharf Street at the foot of Broughton Street and drive to the far end.  Registration is 9:30 am and closes 9:55 am.  Walk begins at 10:00 am.  Contact is Randy at 250-590-7175. This is the annual Downtown Christmas walk which visits the Bastion Square Christmas Market, the Centennial Square Festival of Trees, the Bay Centre Festival of Trees, and the wonderful Gingerbread Showcase! The walk is a little shorter than usual to allow you time to enjoy the sights and sounds of Christmas.

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