SATURDAY, DEC. 14 PT 022 6/10 km Walk

Date(s) -Saturday, December 14, 2024
9:30 am - 12:00 pm

Location: Fairfield Plaza


SATURDAY, DEC. 14 PT 022 6/10 km Walk:  Meet at the Fairfield Plaza, 1578 Fairfield Road, Victoria V8S 1G1.  Registration is 9:30 am and closes 9:55 am.  Walk begins at 10:00 am.  Contact is Merle at 250-896-7290. Merle has chosen the Lighthouse routes. The 10 km walk (rated 2C) heads through Ross Bay Cemetery, east along the ocean to the beach at Gonzales Bay, through the Chinese Cemetery with its Trail Island Lighthouse outlook, and through neighborhoods in Fairfield and Oak Bay. The 6 km walk (rated 2B) includes all these highlights but stays in Fairfield.

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