As we age, we often go through social and relationship changes that affect how we travel.
I’ve always considered myself an intrepid traveller, ready to hare off in any direction on my own to discover new and exciting adventures. As I’ve gotten older, this spontaneous wanderlust has gradually morphed into an appreciation for camaraderie.
I’m ready to own the fact that having someone alongside to share the adventure is more pleasant than absorbing it in my usual solitary fashion.
I’m also accepting the added level of security that comes with travelling in a group under the watchful eye of an experienced tour manager. Where once I would have felt restricted, I now enjoy the freedom of not having to worry about the details that go into planning and executing a vacation.
Since starting the 55+ Travel Club earlier this year, I’ve realized age often brings changes in our accessibility to travel companions. An increasing number of us are either divorced or widowed. Or we have a partner that doesn’t enjoy travelling like we still do. While we may have some close friends, they’re not always available to travel when we are, or have the finances to do so. This leaves many of us scrambling to find a suitable travel companion.
For those who find themselves in these situations, I have created a couple of options within the 55+ Travel Club. The first is a Buddy Brunch, a hosted luncheon where I invite those who are looking for travel companions to meet, share a meal, and hopefully find a potential travel companion among the attendees.
The second is the creation of a group I am calling the VIVA Vagabonds. This is a group of travellers from the Vancouver Island (VI) and Vancouver (VA) area who will be notified when I’m hosting a trip, with the understanding that they can join and be among a growing group of people who are familiar with each other. You can look forward to always being with friends on any trip you book with me.
These trips will vary in type, location and cost. You will be notified whenever I add a new trip to my VIVA Vagabonds schedule.
The first thing to do is join our 55+ Travel Club’s monthly e-newsletter. You can find the sign-up form at This newsletter, emailed to you every month, will contain a variety of travel information, including the trips I will be hosting.
The second thing to do is contact me at to let me know you want to be added to the VIVA Vagabond group. Throughout the year, I will be getting in touch for your ideas on where you’d like to travel, and I’ll make sure you’re among the first to know when I have booked a trip you can join me on.
Come join my VIVA Vagabonds group! Let’s continue to enjoy travel and each other’s company.