Turn Plans into Action!

As 2017 drew to a close, I started vacillating on how to begin this new year. Something profound or something sweet, something wise or something light. I think of the many starts that went nowhere, in the past, and I’m determined to make 2018 different.

So, on the last day of the month, I signed up for a webinar with my mentor. I love how the universe provides. Hugh Culver has been mentoring me for many years; I always learn something from him. I thought I’d share what I learned, so you can benefit from Hugh’s wisdom, too.

Let’s start with what didn’t you like about 2017. What would you like to change in 2018? I am aware many of us make New Year resolutions. Some of us even manage to keep them past the 4th of January. Think about what you want more of.

Here are three ways to not only have a goal worthy of you, but some steps to help you stay on track towards that goal. It is time for you to write a new story – YOUR story and one that is congruent with who you are. Think also about how you will reward yourself when that goal is reached.

Where to Start:
1. Accept that you need to change some of your habits. (You won’t lose 20 lbs by just thinking about exercising. If the thought of going to the gym leaves you cold, borrow a friend’s dog and start walking.)
2. Ask yourself, what do I NEED TO KNOW right now? And what do I need to LET GO of to make my plans a reality?
3. Accept your current reality. Write down what you want. How will you change your story? You haven’t lived this many years without having seeds of knowledge and wisdom planted within you. It’s time to harvest them.

Naturally, it will be necessary to do some work to change the story you wrote in the past. Change always requires work; it’s what makes things happen!

So, show up and be totally present (all the time). Focus on THIS moment.

Review what you want and what you don’t want, reflect on how you can make changes and then revise the plan as needed.

Happy New Year! May 2018 be the year you turn your plans into action!



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