Travel the World by Home-Exchanging

Travel-lovers rarely have unlimited funds to travel wherever and whenever they want. Savvy and budget-conscious travelers are discovering that the key to changing this is now possible with something already in their possession: their own homes.

The online peer-to-peer (P2P) sharing economy has afforded many new opportunities, with home-swapping one of the most exciting and rewarding.

My husband and I are fortunate to own a secondary home, in the form of a condo that we also run as a vacation rental. I posted that condo as my initial home-exchange listing, as I wasn’t ready to swap my own home with strangers, quite yet! Immediately, I was daydreaming of all the potential options: the spacious Villas in the south of France, the swanky condos in downtown London, Paris and New York, as well as cozy and humble family homes in all of the specific destinations I had on my travel bucket-list.

Within a few weeks of becoming a member of, I received my first offer of an exchange. Someone wanted to swap their spacious family home near the beach on Maui. I jumped at that chance, and have successfully completed over 60 exchanges since. The welcome and distinct sound on my cellphone that notifies me of an exchange request always brightens my day! When I hear that ‘ding’, I’ll invite whoever I’m with to play the guessing game: which country will this exchange request be from? These offers have ranged from Thailand to Tasmania, from Rome to Rio, and everything in between.

Friendship and Connection

The benefits of home exchanging expand far beyond the basic cost-saving component. All exchanges are mutually arranged between hosts, and the rapport that is built during the negotiations makes for some authentic connections and meaningful, lasting friendships. It becomes just so much more personal, compared to simply booking a hotel room or vacation rental on Airbnb.

For me, this really hit home when I arrived at one memorable exchange at a beautiful, architecturally-restored farmhouse estate in Dublin, Ireland. It was raining when we arrived at the airport, but our lovely host Maeve had arranged to pick us up, pointing out recommended neighbourhood pubs and restaurants along the way. She offered to arrange High Tea for us at a renowned Dublin hotel – she was very excited that she could get us a seating for half price, as her daughter worked there.

As Maeve ushered us into her gorgeous house, we were greeted with a lovely roaring fire on the hearth and lit candles all around. The vista of twinkling lights could be seen out past the manicured gardens and pool area. The table was set for the home-made meal she had prepared of fresh-baked bread, garden salad and a large pot of delicious stew bubbling in the oven. She introduced us to the family’s sweet orange cat and gave us his simple care instructions (which of course had all been agreed to beforehand)! She invited us to partake of any wine from the well-stocked fridge. After she had given us the keys and departed, we sat and enjoyed that special meal, and in that moment it really struck me that choosing to become a home exchanger was one of the best decisions I’d ever made in my life.

A community for everyone

Many online communities now thrive in the home-swapping arena, representing exchangers from around the globe. There are many to be found, but the most popular is, listing 400,000 homes in 187 countries. Other popular sites include LoveHomeSwap, HomeLink, and Intervac.

Some sites are tailored to specific groups, such as HomeExchange50plus (for travellers over 50), 3rdHome (specifically for those wishing to swap holiday or secondary homes), or Knok (tailored to families by only listing child-friendly houses).

A matter of Trust

Of course, the entire concept of home exchanging is a trust-based system, and for this reason, it is probably not for everyone. Hosts can leave everything as is for their guests’ stay, while some choose to lock off a space that might hold important heirlooms or private documents.

All memberships require proof of residency or ownership, as well as an annual subscription fee, mainly for administration, but also presumably to keep members honest.

Some hosts go so far as to offer the use of a vehicle as part of the exchange experience! Of course, insurance requirements would need to be carefully considered.

Flexible and easy arrangements

Exchanges can be simultaneous or not, and keeping future stays “in the bank” happens frequently. Reverse searches can be done to see who in the world is looking to come to your neighbourhood. There is also a robust system of “Guest Points”, which comes in particularly handy when the person who wants to stay at your place is from somewhere you have no interest in visiting. They have the option of paying with points, which you can then use to stay wherever you want to go.

Whether you’re just starting to travel with a young family, or you’re a retiree with lots of free time, the home-swapping community is a wonderful and highly recommended option for travellers who want grand experiences for minimal expense. It is an example of the new sharing economy at it’s very finest, and an opportunity well worth considering.


Karen Weiss is a Canadian award-winning freelance designer, photographer and writer with a great love of travel, Karen enjoys exploring the world and sharing her experiences of culture, interaction and adventure.

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