This month we celebrate the many worthy charities in our communities that help to make life better for people, animals and the environment.
Several years ago, I met with one of the charities that ran monthly ads in the magazine. Their director excitedly told me about a reader who had walked into their office with a $1.2 million donation. I asked, “How do you know they heard about you through our magazine?”
“Easy,” was the reply. “They brought in your magazine, and we spent the first five minutes talking about it.”
Turns out this reader had an intention to give a donation to this charity about a year earlier, but life got in the way. It was the persistent reminder of seeing the charity’s recurring ad in INSPIRED Magazine that finally nudged them into action.
As you can imagine, the charity was ecstatic. Likewise, we were thrilled to have played a role in helping to bring about this incredibly happy set of affairs.
Not everyone has the wherewithal to write a million-dollar cheque, but we can all contribute something in support of the very worthwhile charities that support us day in and day out in so many ways.

Even a small donation like $25 can help make a difference, especially if multiplied by several donors.
I believe everyone has been touched by the assistance provided by the non-profit sector. These unsung community heroes fill in the many gaps left by government resources that never seem to stretch far enough to meet the needs of their constituents.
Whatever cause you feel drawn toward, there is probably a charity somewhere in the background, quietly doing incredible work to make our planet better in some way. Tackling the problems that are overlooked by society is where charities shine.
Sometimes we don’t realize who is doing this work, and the difference they are making. This is why we dedicate two issues every year to highlighting the charitable work that is done in our communities. Whether you love animals, nature or people – there’s a charity out there doing good work that you could help in their efforts.
If you can’t afford a donation, there are often other ways to support a charity.
Ask how you can volunteer. Skills we have learned throughout life can come in handy to lighten the load for staff who are often doing much more than they are paid to do. Sometimes there’s a vacancy on a board or committee. Your experience, skills and perspective can be invaluable.
Charitable work is one of the most rewarding activities we can embark upon. When you are doing something to make a difference, without thought to how you will be financially remunerated, it truly does make all the difference in the world.
Take a little extra time this issue to browse through the ads accompanying the editorial this month. If you see a charity that tugs at your heart, don’t hesitate. Write a cheque and mail it today or consider including a legacy gift in your will. And if you don’t have the means to help financially, I encourage you to call and ask how you can be of service. It might open up a whole new opportunity to meet like-minded people and expand your social network.
You may not be able to bless a charity with a million-dollar cheque, but by doing what you can with what you have, it can feel like a million bucks anyway.