As I write this month’s column, I’m busy sorting out hundreds of details for our upcoming 55+ Lifestyle Show on March 21st in Victoria. My amazing staff and I have organized over 20 of these events. Many details are actions or processes we repeat from show to show, but there’s always new things that pop up, requiring a decision and some extra effort.
Life is like that. Anyone expecting to reach their later years and just coast… is in for a big surprise. You see, we just aren’t built to do nothing. When a space or vacuum shows up, our reaction is to fill it.

This means we are always creating more work or projects for ourselves. If it’s not something new, it’s an improvement. Something in our psyche wants to be better, do more, jump higher, increase and expand. That drive may mellow a little with age, but it never goes away. We just find other and possibly more creative ways to express it.
It may come in the form of improving our relationships with family or friends. Or maybe we leave a career and enter the volunteer sector. Or we turn to travel. Take a course. Some even start a new business or a new relationship.
Whatever your secret sauce is to fill the void, there’s plenty of room in this world for more creativity, better ideas and trying new things.
Speaking of trying new things, if you haven’t been to our 55+ Lifestyle Show, I invite you to come join us this year.
We have a wide range of businesses and organizations eager to show off their 55+ products and services. You’re almost guaranteed to discover a bunch of ideas to use as a springboard for your next adventure, whether it is choosing your next travel destination or making a lifestyle change like renovating your home or yard or moving to a new home.
You’ll find plenty of inspiration and information at our 55+ Lifestyle Show.
We have several hours of entertainment, including a fashion show by Blue Sky Clothing that will be held both in the morning and in the afternoon (See our promotion on this issue’s back cover for more details).
Blue Sky Clothing is owned by BC fashion designer Marilyn Cobban, who creates garments with all body types and sizes in mind, and in particular, the 55+ woman.
In addition to getting a leg up on what’s in season for fabrics, colours and styling in clothes, you’ll be able to witness the makeover of three INSPIRED Magazine readers.
These adventurous women will be outfitted by Blue Sky, and have their hair and makeup updated and refreshed by our creative stylists who will work their magic before the show and all day at the event. The final reveal will be on stage at 2pm.
Many of our visitors come early and stay for the day. Free bags and prizes to the first 100 visitors.
Don’t forget to put your name in for some exceptional door prizes. Tickets to Butchart Gardens, Victoria Butterfly Gardens, the Malahat Skywalk, the Royal BC Museum and IMAX are among the offerings.
Some small refreshment items are available for purchase at our café, and Tillicum Mall’s food court is just steps away, if you need to take a break for nourishment during the event.
So, if you are looking for something new to sink your teeth into or you’re ready to make a change in lifestyle, maybe we’ll have something at our show to scratch that itch. Come and see for yourself.
I’m looking forward to meeting you.
PS. Our emcee at the stage will be Laurie Mueller, our fun-loving “Living On Purpose” columnist.