INSPIRED Magazine is officially 18 years old. This month’s issue marks the start of our 19th year in print.
As with any passage of time, when you hit a particularly meaningful milestone, you want to take a few moments to savour the achievement.
This 18-year journey has brought with it plenty of challenges and many sweet and positive memories. There isn’t anything else I can think of doing that would have brought me the depth of satisfaction as publishing this magazine has.
I’m deeply grateful to have had the opportunity to do something I love and believe in, and very honoured to have INSPIRED Magazine welcomed into your homes every month.
In June 2004, the first copy of this magazine hit the streets of Victoria. Within a couple of years we expanded to the Greater Vancouver area.
The magazine was called Senior Living back then. As time passed, we began to realize the word “senior” was not a large enough basket to encompass our audience and what we wanted to say.
Throughout all the years we’ve been in publication, our predominant intent has always been to inspire. So, the name was changed to INSPIRED Senior Living. Eventually, in November 2018, we dropped the word “senior” altogether, and the name became INSPIRED 55+ Lifestyle Magazine.
Despite the evolution, one thing has remained steadfast – the loyalty of our readers. Rarely a week goes by when someone doesn’t approach me to say how much they love the magazine. It made an emotional connection with our readers right from the start.
My main vision when founding the magazine was to provide a quality publication that would celebrate the positive achievements of people over the age of 55.
The success of this intention became ever so clear early on with the comments of one reader who wrote to say, “I’ve always shied away from anything to do with aging. But since reading the stories of the people you profile and realizing all the possibilities available to me, I’m not longer afraid of getting older.”
Every issue we publish contains stories of people who are living life to its fullest. I draw upon these examples for my own inspiration as I age, and I know many of you do too.
Not long ago, I got an email from a reader saying she had launched her life in a new direction by going back to university after reading in INSPIRED about another person’s experience with returning to the classroom.
This is the charm of the magazine – always encouraging you to try something different and new – and demonstrating by deed, not just word.
We offer real life examples of people who are living some of the best and happiest years of their life. They have found a way to move past the difficulties and reach for something that lights a spark in them, fueling a way of life that is enriching and illuminating to all those who observe it.
Over the years, we have celebrated the lives of many talented and resourceful people. Some have reached a level of celebrity that is widely recognized, while others shine their light within a smaller radius of influence that is equally impactful. Each person is a beacon of inspiration that cannot be extinguished.
I couldn’t have kept this magazine going without the consistent encouragement and support. The success of INSPIRED Magazine has taken a village of people – staff, advertisers, suppliers, and contributors. To each and every one of you, my deepest gratitude.
Finally, a heartfelt thanks to every reader – for choosing INSPIRED as your reading companion.
Happy 18th Birthday, INSPIRED Magazine!