The Sweet Health Benefits of (Raw) Honey

Honey is often described as nature’s candy. In recent years, as we seem to move towards raw and less processed diets, raw honey has found its time in the spotlight and with good reason; the benefits of raw honey are astounding.

What is raw honey?

Raw honey is the original sweet liquid produced by honey bees that is collected straight from the bees and never heated, pasteurized or processed. Straight from the hive to your kitchen.

Raw honey sets itself apart from more common forms of honey, which have been pasteurized and filtered. The pasteurization process involves heating the honey to extremely high temperatures in order to kill any of the yeast that may be present in the honey and, left unchecked, could lead to fermentation. This pasteurization process also leaves the honey smooth and not granulated, which for many is what honey should taste and feel like, and why some people struggle with the texture of raw honey.

So, really, raw honey is simply honey that has not been altered in any way. But what benefits does honey in its natural form have for you?


Over and over, we hear about the benefits of antioxidants and that’s because different antioxidants help your body in different ways. In the case of raw honey, the antioxidants are called phenolic compounds and they can help protect your body from cell damage caused by free radicals, which contribute to the aging process and can also lead to the development of chronic diseases. Some forms of raw honey can even have as many antioxidants as can be found in fruits and vegetables.

Healing properties

Yes, that is accurate. There are some real germ fighting powers that can be found in raw honey and some people have used Manuka honey, in particular, to reduce healing time and reduce infections in wounds. It should be noted that this is often medical grade honey.


Yup, another sweet and scientific benefit. Phytonutrients are compounds that protect plants from harm and in humans they have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits, which are a huge help to your overall health. Phytonutrients are quite fragile, and the process of pasteurization will destroy them, so they are only present in the raw version.

Antibacterial and Antifungal

Raw honey has the power to kill bacteria and fungus in your body because it naturally contains hydrogen peroxide, which is an antiseptic. Some hospitals have even used Manuka honey to fight infections that have become resistant to antibiotics.

Better than Sugar

Being naturally sweet and containing all the above listed benefits, honey is a great substitution for sugar, whether in baking, coffee or tea. Which begs the question, when is the best time to eat raw honey?

  • Eat some honey when you need a jolt of energy as the natural sugars and carbohydrates will give you a great boost, and it’s one reason why breakfast is an amazing choice.
  • Right before bed. A couple of teaspoons right before going to bed help to raise your insulin and melatonin levels and helps restore your body while you sleep.
  • When you feel ill. Honey has long been a remedy for coughs, colds and allergies and some believe it is just as effective as over-the-counter cough medicine.

So, for all the benefits of raw honey, you should consider finding yourself a jar and digging in.

Lorne Marr is a fitness enthusiast and blogger. Visit his site at


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