As I wander down the streets of my life, I look back over my shoulder and see that nearly everything I wanted, I got, and nearly everything I wanted to do, I did, almost exactly as they were laid out in my dreams.
There have been some curves, for sure, but no dark alleys. Some detours, potholes and even roadblocks changed my course, but when I look back on those, I realize each one took me on a better path than the original road.
During this third act, sometimes it feels like I am giving up – willing to just drift; even knowing that there is more to me than I have explored. I’m a little unsure right now of where I can best serve – myself and others – but I’m open to suggestions.
I realize the perceived walls surrounding me, at times, are illusions and not bricks. This is the youth of my old age. Time to:
- Be true to myself;
- Like what I do;
- Be open to new ideas;
- Trust me – stop second guessing myself.
Now is a time to mentor others. I have so much knowledge (I think), why not use that knowledge to help others?
Have I done everything I am meant to do? I DON’T THINK SO!
So, what am I doing about it? For me, it’s time to become more curious, look for more ideas, talk to more people. My time is more my own, so now is my chance to choose, to determine what I want my legacy to be.
Maybe it’s your time, too!
To start, I will list the things I can do, rather than those I cannot.
I can walk, talk, laugh, sing, dance (a little) and write. How about if I begin to do each of these things with others, expand my network of people? Less Facebook time, more face-to-face time.
While I’m thinking about the road ahead for me, you could be thinking about what’s in store for you. I’d love to hear how you plan to walk the road during this third act of your life.
Pat Nichol is a speaker and published author. Connect with her at
How do you feel about your third act?