Several years ago, I created a workshop called Spiritual Vitamins. Recently, I unearthed the notes from those workshops, and I would like to share some of the vitamins with you as we move into spring and a new season of sunshine and rebirth.
We take vitamins for the health of our physical body. We also need to create energy and support our spirit.
Affirmations – the quotations that make us smile, make us glow, give life to our days. Words that help us through the long dark nights of the soul; the “why me” days, when fears seem larger than life. Here is one to start you off. Create some of your own and share them with everyone.
My life is serene yet exciting.
Abundance exercise – get a small beautiful bowl. Each day put the same amount of money in it – do this for 30 days. Start small or start large, but every day the same amount goes in the bowl. In 30 days, begin an abundance bank account. If you miss a day, start over. Let me know how you do.
Believe in Yourself. Learn to say what you are good at, list three assets and abilities. See yourself as valuable and important. A candle flame is not extinguished when it shares its light with another.
“Self-esteem isn’t everything; it’s just that there is nothing without it.” –Gloria Steinem
BE – Take time just to BE. Always remember we are human beings, not human doings. It is not necessary for us to fill our minutes and hours with busy work just to prove we are worthwhile.
Several years ago, I was on the ferry to Galiano Island. The trip is about 90 minutes, so I had with me at least two books to read, several articles that needed writing and, just in case I ran out of things to do, I had some knitting, as well.
I had my life changed for the better on that ferry ride. I met a Buddhist nun; we sat and talked. She was the one who suggested (wisely) that I had been given this time to simple BE. She came into my life and shared a life lesson that if we pay attention it makes changes for the good. I often find myself sharing this with others who seem stressed.
These are just spiritual vitamins A and B. There are dozens more. As I review them, I’ll share more with you in this column. In the meantime, take your vitamins – and wash your hands.
Pat Nichol is a speaker and published author. Connect with her at