Soul Searching

All the signs pointed to breast cancer. The doctor was adamant that a biopsy was imperative, but Lois Ross wouldn’t have any of it.

“I was 31 when the doctor wanted to investigate me for a possible malignancy,” she says. “I never had any invasive diagnostic procedures, as I wanted to keep my body intact. My symptoms were a lump in my breast and lymph nodes in my armpit that were causing pressure on the nerves often making my fingers tingle, and sometimes go numb.”

Rhapsody Of The Soul

Lois was stubborn. She insisted on no biopsy, no surgeries and absolutely no chemotherapy. Instead of allowing traditional, Western-trained doctors help fight off her possible cancer, Lois turned to a variety of knowledgeable holistic practitioners.

Today, Lois, 77, has a new book called Rhapsody of The Soul. In it, she invites readers on an enticing inner journey to experience the power of the soul and the profound wisdom it offers for day-to-day living.

“Our soul is intimately connected to the vast, powerful wisdom of the Divine and chooses a lifetime on earth to increase its spiritual growth and learning,” she says. “Throughout this book, you will encounter a variety of resources which will empower you to awaken to your soul and, in the process, remember your divine nature.”

The book took Lois many years to write, but she has “been very focused for the last three years.” One of her favourite passages from the book is “Wise and magical, the soul nudges us, wanting us to wise up to the truth of our lives.” It’s a message for all of us.

Lois’s journey started in the small farming community of Dawson Creek, BC. “It was a small farming town that had a population of 14,000 people when I left in 1962. We had a large rural community where kids were bussed to school. My father was the supervisor of the bus garage.” Her older brother was well read and during adolescence developed many spiritual beliefs based on his arcane readings. “My brother had the wisdom within him from an early age. He was a great reader and if he found sources of information for himself that held the esoteric teachings, he shared them with me.” One of his main interests was the human soul. He believed the soul was in the core of a human being and after our physical body died, the soul continued its journey through future reincarnations.

When she was 19, Lois chose to become a nurse. The choices for girls in those days commonly were secretary, teacher or nurse. She trained at Royal Inland Hospital in Kamloops, BC. Even with her spiritual belief system intact, it was still hard to watch patients pass away.

“It was difficult when a patient died, but there were jobs that needed to be done when someone died, so we learned to dismiss what we couldn’t deal with.”

Turning to the guidance of holistic practitioners in her journey to heal her tumours became a catalyst in her leaving traditional nursing.

“I left nursing as I was clear that I needed to share my understanding of health and healing from a holistic perspective. To have the most complete healing, we need to include the traditional approach along with the holistic, which embraces all aspects of us as human beings, not just the broken part.”

For many years Lois worked as a Holistic Health and Lifestyle Consultant, which included energy healing, shamanic energy medicine and spirituality.

At 36, Lois was devastated when her oldest brother disappeared on a hiking trip. “He had been missing for several hours before we were notified, and then the weather deteriorated and they could not do an aerial search or a ground search, which would have been difficult and perhaps impossible.”

Author Lois Ross

His body was found a few days later. Afterwards, Lois fell into a deep depression. “It was extremely emotional, and the waves of grief went on for some time. He was my oldest brother who died a shocking death, very unlike the type of person he was. I was in a state of grief, which has many emotions.”

One of the ways Lois was lifted from the darkness was by reading the works of Elizabeth Kubler Ross, who wrote about the five stages of grief in her famous book, Death and dying. Kubler Ross was one of the first psychiatrists to share her view on life after death with the media and public.

“I did not connect with my brother for several years after his death and when I have, our interactions have been brief but impactful.”

Lois’s quest to study the soul has taken her across the globe and introduced her to countless fascinating people.

“I studied with many different energy healing teachers, learning to approach my understanding of holistic healing from a physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual perspective.”
Over the years, she has studied in Peru, Utah and California.

“I had a profound experience in Patagonia, Chile on the night of a full moon, where I had a visual experience of a spiderweb of light that filled the entire sky. I wanted to know what I saw and why I saw it. There are many levels of ‘seeing,’ which, in the spiritual world, is called clairvoyance and there is a level of maturity that is necessary to manage it. This experience happened before I began my shamanic studies. I believe I had the vision to expand my horizons and lead me into the earth teachings of shamanism.”

Whether Lois had cancer or not is still unknown. However, after a year of following her own guidance and her holistic practitioners’ plan, her lesions disappeared, and she was starting to feel like her old self again.

“I believe I was successful in eliminating the tumours by diligently following a plan for health that included cleansing/fasting, herbal medicines, nutritious foods, fresh air, and managing my mind.”

To purchase Lois’s new book Rhapsody of the Soul visit


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