Once again, we are looking at a turn of the year. So many are hoping that when the calendar switches to 2021, all the challenges of 2020 will disappear. Let us all hold on to that hope!

Until then, what can we do to make this year end on a high note? With holiday celebrations on hold or scaled back, people are looking for other meaningful ways to spend the holiday season.

Here are some suggestions:

  1. Do you like to bake? How about committing to bake extra cookies or squares for places like your local soup kitchen? Their clients always appreciate home-baked goodies. Soup kitchens provide nourishing meals for those who may not have other options.
  2. Do you like to read? What about creating a neighbourhood library box for neighbours who share your love of reading? I recently suggested it to my housemate and, before I knew it, several friends got together and created a delightful library box. Now I get to paint it! Will let you know how it goes.
  3. Do you knit or crochet? Many years ago, I took up crocheting when I wanted to occupy my hands and mind with something other than cigarettes and chocolate. There are people who would love a colourful, handmade toque or some warm mittens. Get together with a few friends in your bubble and yarn together.
  4. I’ve been talking to friends who are having a great time with jigsaw puzzles. Recently, I saw some being sold (for a great price) at a local activity centre. Everything from 500 to several thousand pieces – depending on your desire to get excited or to get frustrated.

These are a few of my suggestions. How about sharing some of yours? Send me an email and I will share your ideas in my February column.

As we move through the dark part of the year and continue to stay safe by wearing a mask when we go out, washing our hands and staying at a safe distance from each other, I wish you a warm, cozy and festive holiday season filled with new adventures.

Think good thoughts about everyone inside – and outside – your bubble.


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