Positive Thinking Attracts New Meaning and Purpose in Seniors’ Lives

Seniors everywhere are searching for a more meaningful purpose for a brighter future. As you start each day anew, you can find yourself wanting more for your life. This is a strong indication that it is time to create a new identity. By creating a more mindful lifestyle you can use your creativity to find alternative ideas to help you along on your path. 

A popular routine among seniors is to just sit around gossiping. Soon, you can find yourself caught in a downward spiral of always talking about your illness: severe aches, and forceful pain. Being mindful, however, you think and speak about what is positive.

Refusing negative thoughts brings you a long way as a senior. Choose to refuse the thoughts of being sick or being unhappy and practice abundance and happiness. This, in turn, will generate more of the same.  

Mindfulness means maintaining a moment-by-moment awareness of your thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and surrounding environment, through a more peaceful and serene lens. Mindfulness also involves acceptance, meaning that you pay attention to your thoughts and feelings without judging them. You believe, therefore, that there’s no “right” or “wrong” way to think or feel in a given moment. 

Manifesting” is a concept where you learn about your style of thinking. You have the ability to choose mind over matter and become happy. If things are not working in your life you need to reflect to find out where you went wrong. You need to stop blaming and being the victim. You need to take ownership of your own happiness. You alone row the boat. You make the choice of where you want your boat to go.

As a mindful senior, the example of your lifestyle can spread to become a virtual fire! It can help other seniors find a new purpose for their own lives. It is a new way of thinking and it is very well received.

You can find new purpose and meaning by being active or returning to being active. My Mother, Giselle Taylor, is 82 years old and she is fit as a fiddle! She owns her own business as a Paralegal and she works full-time. Her day always begins with a disciplined walking routine, and, three times each week, she enthusiastically does line dancing, aerobics and weight training. Our family are all so very proud of her! She is just a fierce, little spitfire and a power of example to all she meets. 

Other suggestions to help you become fit in your senior years would be to take in a walking group, meditate or learn yoga. You can also spend more time with family by carousing a bit with your grandchildren, chasing them around the park. How about taking a big splash in the pool? Try checking out your local community center or senior’s center for aquatic aerobics. Visit your recreation center to find out the many activities they have to offer.

Learn to expand your borders. You may not be able to get out and travel abroad but you can certainly do a virtual tour. One example of taking a virtual tour might be to visit the top ten most beautiful gardens in the world. Visit online: https://themysteriousworld.com/10-most-beautiful-gardens-in-the-world/

You will see gardens all over the world in all their splendor! You can take a virtual tour that points to where the gardens are located and describes all about the various details of the gardens. Taking this virtual tour is a true pleasure and the next best thing to being there.

Alternatively, if you are retired and blessed with the finances, how about making a move to a foreign land for the length of time of your choice? You will learn about the different people, their foods, music and culture. This can be a fabulous, new experience to find your purpose and meaning.

You can bring a very healthy experience into your senior years by just allowing others to simply be. It is a worthwhile practice and takes time and patience to learn this new skill. Nevertheless, it is a very appreciated skill that brings everyone involved more happiness into their lives. 

As your senior years are being well lived there are still lessons to be learned. Such lessons might be to become more considerate, thoughtful or kind. 

It can be possible that you are still living and finding your meaning and purpose in life because you need to be an instrument of wisdom to someone else. 

Finally, when you wake up next morning, try doing a meditation or prayer and ask God; how may I be of service today? Then, watch your whole world explode with new opportunity!

Denise Ravary is a senior writing for the senior’s market. She lives in Glen Hill Marnwood, a Christian home in Bowmanville, Ontario. She has a 29 year old son, Daniel, who lights up her life! He lives in Oshawa, Ontario where he drives for Uber and will be studying Horticulture at Durham College. She takes pleasure in reading, taking leisurely strolls, researching on her laptop and volunteering.


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  1. Cliff Taylor

    another option is to be a volunteer driver for The Cancer Society, a driver for a local service group or charity. Just one day a week will enrich your life and pay rewards more important than cash

    The opportunities are there.

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