Overcome Excuses for Inactivity

Everyone knows we should be physically active, yet many of us are not. We resort to a list of “reasons” for being inactive. Sadly, most of these “reasons” are invalid excuses and many are easily overcome.

Here are some of the most common excuses and how to overcome them:

No time

Try to make time. Schedule an appointment with yourself and don’t break it. Ask a fitness professional for ideas to squeeze exercise conveniently into your busy day. Exercise at home, to avoid the time wasted travelling to do your workout.

Interferes with work or studies

Activity improves the mind and body. With clearer thinking and increased energy you’ll be more productive and have greater control of stress.

Family obligations interfere

Get your family involved. Plan more “active” get-togethers.

Too tired

Regular exercise increases energy levels. Improved blood circulation brings vital oxygen more efficiently to muscles and the brain.

Exercise is hard

You don’t have to do a sport that requires a special skill or complicated choreographed movements. Find an easy activity (walking is easy). Progress at a moderate pace.

I’m too busy

Good health is more important than anything else in your life. If you aren’t healthy, you aren’t operating optimally – at home or at work.

Bad weather is a deterrent

Dress for it or exercise indoors. Many activities can be done inside – like wall climbing, tennis, even golf. Check your local shopping mall to see if they offer mall walking.

Exercise is boring

Find a fun activity or choose from several to avoid boredom.

No facilities or equipment

You don’t need a gym or equipment. Hike or take a brisk walk outside. Do calisthenics in the convenience and privacy of your own home. Search the internet for exercises and proper technique.

Too expensive

Brisk walking is cheap. For weight training exercises, use your own body weight or improvised equipment, like soup cans.

Fear of injury

Choose an activity with a low injury risk. Avoid injuries by learning proper technique from a personal trainer, tennis or golf instructor, etc.

Self-conscious about appearance

You can exercise in the privacy of your own home. No one has to see how you look or what you wear. After you’ve become fitter and are more confident with your appearance, treat yourself to a gym membership and a new exercise outfit!

Lack of motivation

Exercise with a friend. Choose activities you enjoy. Set goals. Hire a personal trainer to inspire you.

Health problems

Everyone can do some kind of activity. Talk to your doctor and work with a fitness professional or physical therapist. Gentle exercise is healing!


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