New Year: New Adventures

Do you remember what you were doing 20 years ago, on the last day of 1999? Some kept their families close at home because of the fear of what might happen at midnight as the calendar turned over to the new millennium. Others were out dancing up a storm. What were you doing?

For those who know me because of the purple flash in my hair, you may be surprised to know that that was the beginning of my strange and wonderful hair colours. That evening, my younger daughter came over to the house with her basket of colour, and we looked – not seriously – at all the possibilities. I chose Pillar Box Red. I can’t remember how much of my hair we coloured, but I remember knowing I was going into the new millennium with a revamped look.

My point in stirring up memories from the past is simply this: two decades of this new century have already thundered by. In our imagination, we tend to think time putters by like little cat feet. In reality, it seems these two decades have roared by like a herd of Clydesdales galloping over and around me. No matter who I speak with, the sense is the same.

Life speeds past us, and sometimes we can feel like bystanders watching it happen. I remember years ago listening to elders talk about how fast life was flashing by, but I quietly laughed to myself. “Maybe to you it is, but my life is just fine, thank you.” Suddenly, I am one of those elders, watching life and being concerned about being run over by time.
I am grateful for the years I have been given. Too many close friends were not as lucky.

So, as we say goodbye to another year and begin travelling once more around the sun, perhaps this is a good time to shift from being an observer to becoming a rider on those Clydesdales galloping through the minutes, hours, days, months and years. Take advantage of the time you’ve been given and step into the powerful force that you are. Enjoy each moment, live each hour and be grateful for each day.

As we head into 2020, I look forward to new adventures. Happy New Year!


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