Congratulations to Salve Daeyo, the second of three Makeover contestants to undergo a transformation at the 55+ Lifestyle Show, held on September 22, 2016 in Vancouver.
Salve has been a singer since she began performing at the age of three in the Philippines, her homeland. Fifty-seven years later, she still sings every day.
People, food and song are her passions and Salve has managed to weave them together in her role as a restauranteur, cook and songstress at Java Jazz in New Westminster. She and her husband, Eddie, a gifted pianist, have created a live jazz music experience almost nightly for nearly 15 years.
“Love of life and the restaurant business get me up in the morning,” says the vivacious great-grandmother.
A self-described people person, Salve loves the social element of being in the restaurant business, but she equally loves cooking and is the chef at Java Jazz, which includes traditional Philippine food on the menu.
On a typical evening at Java Jazz, Eddie takes to the keyboard in one corner of their cozy restaurant and Salve enchants guests with her beautiful voice singing jazz favourites. It’s not long before other musicians and singers jump up from their tables to join in. You never know who will pop by to sing or play and contribute to a one-of-a-kind live music experience.
As she prepares to turn 60, besides her ever-expanding family of four children, three grandsons and one great grandson, Salve has recently developed another passion – tandem biking.
“A big question for us, at this stage in our lives, was what do we do now that the kids are grown? And for us it’s RVing and tandem biking.”
Eddie and Salve celebrated their 36th wedding anniversary with a tandem two-hour ride around Barnston Island, where no cars are allowed.
“It’s a way to reconnect with each other,” she says. “Neither one of us has to catch-up because neither has fallen behind. And there is so much to talk about. Biking is the most interesting way to travel. You see and experience things you never would otherwise, and it keeps us fit.”
When she was recommended for the INSPIRED Senior Living Makeover, Salve jumped at the opportunity.
“I found the experience very exciting!” she says. “It was the shortest haircut I’ve sported since kindergarten and I LOVED IT! Hana was super, obviously an expert in her craft.”
“My husband was very supportive from the get go and my children and grandchildren thought I looked cool… and very youthful with my short hair.”
“I would do it again in a heartbeat…it made me feel so good.”

What Hana did:
Hair: Hana began Salve’s make-over by removing length from her hair and adding roundness to achieve a sleek and updated, slightly acentric bob. She used a razor cut to add texture and showcase Salve’s amazing cheekbones. The style gives her a smooth, unfussy look that works with both casual and formal attire.
Since Salve had some previous highlights, Hana used a toner to remove any brassiness to softened the look.
Makeup: With a natural beauty, Salve doesn’t wear a lot of colourful make-up in her day-to-day life. Hana began by smoothing out her skin tone to create an even look. Pastel colours like lime green and light rose offered a nice balance to Salve’s dark hair and eyes. Plum highlighted her cheeks and lips giving her a finished, ready-to-go appearance.
INSPIRED Senior Living would like to thank Akai Hair Design & Esthetics for Salve’s new look. Specializing in colouring, precision haircutting and make-up application, Hana Akai is accepting new clients at her Victoria location. Call 250-383-3227 or visit
Thanks also to Phoenix Boutique, who supplied Salve’s outfit.
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