Let Your Life Force Shine

In order to change my life, I must begin immediately. This is not the time to be shy, to stand back. I must do it flamboyantly with no exceptions.

Martha Graham said it best: “There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action. Because there is only one of you in all of time, this expression is unique, and if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and will be lost.”

When you think of you and the amazing individual you are, what is the first word that comes to mind? If you cannot think of a word of your own, choose from the list here. Make yourself a name tag that tells the world just how special you are. If you don’t get excited about any of these, create your own.

Here is a short list to get you started: Amazing, Rare, Brave, Truthful, Insightful, Radiant, Charming, Unique, Energetic, Blissful, Wise, Fascinating.

This list is just a beginning. Each day, find a new word that will send you off on a new adventure, a new path, or, if you like one particular word, play with it for several days.

Whatever you decide to do, do it joyously. When we are practicing joy, our bodies experience an increase in blood flow, which leads to more joy. Joy makes us younger; it increases our immunity; it enhances our creativity and our intuition. It makes us irresistible.

When someone asks, “How are you?” do you say “I’m fabulous”? Or do you say “been better,” “still standing,” or “not bad”? We are terrified to say I’m fabulous because people may think we are arrogant. Time to change all that. Practice out loud.

Don’t block that life force that makes you you. Get excited! What do you get excited about? Make a list: great lunch, good friends, warm bubble bath, reading, shopping. When you do these things, tell someone. This reinforces the pathways of excitement in your brain. Your task over the next three weeks is to find out how much excitement your friends can stand coming from you.

So, until the next time, you have your homework. Concentrate on the person you spend your entire life with. Make sure that each day is one you begin with joy and end with gratitude. Let that life force that is you shine and bubble; then watch what happens.

