“If I could save time in a bottle…
If I could make days last forever
If words could make wishes come true
I’d save every day like a treasure and then…”
As we move once again through the last month of this year, through the exciting chaos of the Christmas season, we begin to look seriously at time, at those we love and what we want to do to make each day a treasure.
There is something about the shortened days and the darker evenings that bring home the chorus of the song that Jim Croce wrote as a love song for his wife many years ago.
“But there never seems to be enough time
To do the things you want to do.”
Make a promise to yourself and those around you to save that time to do the things you want to do, to do them with those who bring you joy and then share that joy with as many people as you can.
When we hit 50, time seems to slip away so smoothly, so quickly, that days, weeks, months and even years vanish in an instant. So, it is up to each of us to make the moments and the years matter, to share the treasure of time that we have been given.
Right now, get a piece of paper and a pen and write five things you are going to do in this last month of 2018. Write who you are going to share time with and what you can do to make a difference in the lives of those around you. I would love for you to share them with me.
I am choosing to be grateful for the opportunity to share my ideas with you for the past 14 years, for my editor who checks my work, and for my publisher who is always open to ideas and willing to share her own.
To each of you, I wish you all good things during this last month of the year. May you find the time to do and be everything that you wish for as we wind up 2018.
Pat Nichol is a speaker and published author. Connect with her at mpatnichol@gmail.com.