I first met her while I was face down on her massage table. She was referred by my regular guy, who had left the city. She asked me what kind of music I’d like to listen to during the massage, and that special touch immediately endeared me to her client care and personal touch. She was an excellent therapist, so I continued to see her once a week, twice a week, once a month. The 10+ year relationship, which is now an ongoing friendship between an elder and a dynamic young woman, mother, wife, dog-trainer, and professional, evolved and grew through our many conversations in dimly lit rooms, not looking at each other. The situation enabled us to talk freely about much. And we did.
Initially, we exchanged recipes and entertaining ideas. She gave me fitness suggestions. From there, we moved on to movies and TV series, fashion, art, travel and, ultimately, into discussions about friendships, our families and partners. I sent my similarly aged son to her on one of his trips home, secretly hoping there’d be a connection between them, but they each had other plans.
Since we met, she has married, built a house, and had two children; I have retired, bought and sold and moved twice, and travelled the globe. During the pandemic, she sent me regular video clips of her young children growing into their daily lives; I sent her performing arts videos, wildlife, cloud, and food photos, and we both went down the Oprah interview rabbit hole for a while.
I gave her my Princess Di black strapless gown of many Hallowe’ens ago, and she sent me a photo of her wearing it at home. At Christmas, she did a drive-by with her children, so I could lay eyes on them, and to drop off a surprise. Finally, after I was vaccinated, we met up for a brisk walk in the woods with her well-trained dog.
We have no friends in common, and rarely see each other in person, but we share many mutual interests and dynamic conversations about endless topics. Special people can (and do) often show up in the most unexpected ways! And for that I’m grateful.