Mom Week
When Robert, a Canadian-UK citizen, came home to Canada to visit his parents in May, he asked his mom if she’d like to come to London in June. “No,” she said, having just returned from a week in New York. “Why?”
Robert explained that he and Laura, his American-UK girlfriend, had been joking about creating a “Mom Week” in London, where they both lived and worked.
The two had been talking about how to make her American mom’s upcoming one-week visit special and fun. That’s when they devised the idea of entertaining both moms at the same time.
“We looked at each other, paused, and then thought, why not?” says Laura. “Then it evolved naturally that it would be fun to have a ‘Mom Week’ with both of them”, adds Robert.
It didn’t faze either of them to bring the two moms, who had never met, together for a long-distance visit.
“We thought it would be great, and then it all just came together,” says Robert. “We decided to make the visit worthwhile and a good experience for everyone.”
Even with little lead time, the two moms, from their separate and far-off North American destinations, decided to go for it. They each started packing. US mom arranged time off work, and doggy care. Canadian mom needed a plane seat with extra leg room for the long flight, and quickly arranged it.
Then the London couple went into high gear planning an itinerary for the week.
Dinner with Laura and Robert and US mom, who arrived a day earlier, then lunch with Laura and Canadian Mom a few days later. By mid-week, lunch with Laura and the two moms at Covent Garden was followed by afternoon outdoor pool time for both avid swimmers.
Laura then created a stunning and lavish home-cooked, multiple-course dinner, complete with careful wine pairing, at her flat. On Friday all four of them met up for a light Greek tapas-style dinner out.
In between the thoughtfully planned activities, the moms found bits of quality time to catch up with their respective adult children.
The finale on Saturday was to spend a full day together at the Ascot Racecourse, southwest of London.
Dress codes for the Royal Enclosure were clarified; outfits were in order; morning hair appointments and hats were organized by Laura, while Robert took charge of packing a picnic that included champagne.
Parlour games (Never have I ever…. etc.), childhood stories, and lots of laughter on the road trip there made it a fun ride to the races, which still boast the best thoroughbred racehorses globally.
Just short of a week after arriving, the two moms shared a car to London Heathrow, flying back to their respective destinations within 20 minutes of each other.
“This could become an annual tradition,” reflected Canadian mom on returning home. “‘Mom Week’ was a memorable adventure. Designed with much care and love.”