Since the beginning of the shut down, distancing and isolation, I have noticed several positive things have taken place in my regular days.
It started with going shopping for a few things…a quick pickup approach. I soon realized I had to make decisions without touching the merchandise. I saw certain specialty items are on sale. These were greatly reduced and looked very interesting. Before I knew it I had Carrot Jam and Saskatoon Jam in my basket. Next, I knew I would want to have bread to eat with these condiments. With that ghastly thought, I reached for pita bread and taco shells. I took serious control of my spending and starchy cravings right away.
Shopping can be somewhat pleasant and even relaxing under normal circumstances. The food we eat is our own special choice. This was not a time to ponder and wonder. Speed was the appropriate avenue. Soon I had a pork roast and ground meat in hand. I was keeping it simple and only buying what I enjoyed and would use right away.
I do not have a fear of running out of supplies to be found in the grocery store. If I had a large family to look after, that would be very different. Cooking for one person is not a big responsibility. I live a few blocks from four major food chains…just think of the choices I have. And, the Chinese fresh vegetable market is around the corner. My only concern was not to become a victim of this pandemic. Food seemed secondary immediately.
I did not plan to gain weight so kept things healthy and interesting.
My other concern (because I am alone), having enough to do was more of a issue than everything. How would I spend 24 hours away from people? Yes, my socializing, volunteering and hanging out in the library was over. Distancing, wearing a mask and gloves became a standard. This took some serious adjusting…no closeup conversations, family or friends, and strangers are out.
I am grateful for the telephone, my cell and iPad. I also have discovered a great attachment to my car…I can buy a takeout coffee and sit in a parking lot and drink it.
To stay fit I spent time digging and poking around my garden plots. They have never had so much attention. Fortunately, I am usually alone in this large outdoor space next to the church. Many gardeners have stayed away, only coming on weekends or are waiting for warmer weather.
In this quarantine of two months, I have never been so free from interruptions and demands. This has caused me to question all my darting about, scheduling and busyness. The quiet leaps out at me and is starting to feel like a comfortable freedom. In fact, a few times when the phone rang, I have thought I could say, “I am busy reading, crafting, writing, it is not a good time.” But, I would not say that as my life is very uncluttered right now and even before this crisis I enjoyed my telephone contacts.
My two sisters, my daughters and granddaughters, have given me loads of attention. This has been necessary, brought us closer, and I delighted in sharing the low lights and the high lights. We were all scared, unsure and anxious for the future. As of May 3, 2020, we are all doing well, stayed on course, all have a roof over our heads and enough money to cover our daily needs.
The next few months will be a challenge as all plans of vacationing, a wedding and our usual gatherings are shutdown. We will miss each other and must create ways to connect at a distance.
[Written by INSPIRED Magazine reader, Alberta Armstrong, from Tsawwassen BC]