Not long ago, my friend, Dorothy, and I were walking through Playfair Park in Saanich admiring the amazing trees and the bushes denuded of leaves and blossoms. Together, they made delightful shape-scapes against a magnificent sky.
Bushes adorned with brilliant Rhodos in summer were now the shape of ballerinas dancing, wearing leotards of wood brown tinged with evergreen. One could imagine them coming alive and dancing throughout the park.
That might have been enough beauty to love, but then our stroll took on another layer. A brown-and-white corgi trotted up and requested an ear scratch, please. I could feel the love flowing from the dog as I bent over to oblige. When it decided I had fulfilled my purpose, it moved on to Dorothy, who went one step further and petted it all along its back. Now the love was rolling off it. Parting ways, we wandered off on another path only to come upon three more small dogs that were delighted to share their enthusiasm of being alive and being together.
I was reminded of my late friend, Pat, who with two dogs of her own, knew the names of every dog in her neighbourhood. She had no idea of the owner’s names. If I took a survey of dog owners, I am sure I’d find the same is true for them.
We have come through a year that most of us do not wish to repeat. But we have learned a great deal. Maybe one of the things we learned – and could share with others – is the ability to find love in everyday things.
Notice that trees are as beautiful in winter as they are in summer. Or that animals can exude love just by being here. Or small children who fling love around like confetti or birdseed. An article I read this morning talked about a boy who carries confetti in his pocket in case something special happens. Dorothy suggested birdseed (feed two birds with one act of joy). Not a bad idea!
Finally, the most important of all, find love within yourself. You spend more time with the person inside your skin than anyone else. Each morning before you get out of bed, give thanks for waking, for the miracle that is you, and give yourself a loving hug.
Have a spectacular year!
Pat Nichol is a speaker and published author. Connect with her at