“You’ve been waiting a few lifetimes to go through this experience. You are surrounded by so many loving angels and they are wanting you to embrace every step of this journey.”
Linda’s voice was all-knowing, confident and calm. And though I didn’t have a clue what she looked like and couldn’t imagine why I would ever want to have this life experience; I trusted every word she was telling me during our telephone conversation.

I’ve always believed that people come into our lives for a reason, and often when we need them the most. So, a few years ago, when I had heard about this woman who had a gift for channelling into the spirit realm, I intuitively knew she could alleviate some of my despair.
“I really miss my mom,” I said, hoping Linda could shed a little light on a woman I had loved so much. It was kind of odd. Even though Mom had passed away nearly 10 years previously, and had suffered with Alzheimer’s disease for 10 years prior to that, the frequent memories I had of her (and still do) were the happier years, well before the onset of her illness.
The phoneline was silent, and I wondered if we’d been disconnected. “Did your mom like to dance?” Linda finally piped up with a chuckle. Her question surprised me. Although it wasn’t the comment I was expecting, it immediately conjured up visions of Mom prancing around the living room when I was young. There was no doubt.
Back in those days, Mom had had great rhythm. She’d play her favourite LPs on the HiFi and, as she had called it back then, was great at “cutting a rug.” I remembered her declaring that she could have been a professional dancer if she had pursued it. I assumed then, that her family was more important. And, despite never getting to show off her talents, her chosen direction was one she lovingly embraced.
“Although I don’t actually see her physical form,” Linda explained, “I detect her spiritual essence.” Seconds later, she laughed again. “Your mom is showing me her red shoes. And she wants you to know that she’s finally dancing. She also says that she has, and always will be, here for you. Don’t worry. You are very much loved.”
My tears instantly welled up, knowing this connection was real. There was absolutely no way anyone could know this information. It was just too obscure to be coincidental.
“I’m also picking up on another spirit who loves you very much,” Linda continued. “He has a quiet essence, is very hard-working by nature and is totally connected to your mom. He’s also very happy to see that he can support and help you through this experience.”
Even though my father had been gone from this earthly existence for 40 years, I knew in my heart it was him. He was always such a strong supporter of our family and a forever soulmate to my mom.
Despite trying to get my mom to re-marry over the years, she always claimed there was no other man that would equal my dad. I smiled, realizing they were together now – and forever would be. And I was certain they were both there with me as I went through that challenging time in my life.
Eight months prior, on my birthday, I had been diagnosed with breast cancer. A month later, on my husband’s birthday, I had had a mastectomy. A month after that, on my grandson’s birthday, I had started chemotherapy. And on my dad’s birthday, I had begun my first of 29 radiation treatments.
It was a whirlwind year of life-altering changes and swaying emotions. Yet, like many life challenges, there were so many positives. Over that 12 months, I experienced enormous spiritual growth.
Every day began (and still does) with a meditation session, followed by prayer and some inspirational reading. After being introduced to Eckhart Tolle’s bestseller, A New Earth, I learned how to live in the present while awakening my consciousness.
A highlighter went to work on the book A Spiritual Solution to Every Problem, Wayne Dyer’s compelling testimony on the power of love. And I was riveted by Ask and It is Given, Esther Hick’s powerful and practical concepts from the original teachings of Abraham. The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra, The Secret by Rhonda Byrne, and The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho were also dogeared that year.
My world of spiritual exploration totally exploded, and I felt so grateful for all the good in my life. To this day, six years later, I still do.
And I also know that I’ll be forever guided by my loving angels throughout this earth-bound journey.