I have been surveying friends and acquaintances recently about their most favourite and least favourite birthday celebrations. The reason? I am totally freaked out about my birthday this month. I am not sure if it is the number – 80 – or if I am terrified that the calendar will turn over and, all of a sudden, I will be 25 years older than I feel or think I look.
The year I turned 40, I threw myself a party with the theme of “Life Begins at 40.” At 50, I bought myself a black car with a sexy vibrational sound that made me feel even younger. Sixty and 70 came and went without much fanfare – positive or negative.
But right now, I am feeling neither courageous nor outrageous. I’m not sure what I want or where I am going. Yes, I am grateful that I am where I am, that I am as healthy as I am, and that I have the wonderful friends that I do.
I need some suggestions from those of you who are teetering on the edge of a birthday that makes you nervous. How are you handling it?
Maybe this is the answer: instead of worrying, I am going to do things to live intentionally. I am going to make every day precious. According to one of my mentors, Dr. Bernie Siegel, “We are given an opportunity to experience life. It is what we do that brings the meaning to it. We are here to bring love to the world.”
One of the loving actions Dr. Siegel suggests is to make a card that says, YOU MAKE A DIFFERENCE, and give it out to people. They can only keep it for one day and then they must pass it on to someone else. Between November 1 and November 11, I am going to find 80 people and share that card with them. If I do not find you in that time, send me an email and I will get a card to you.
How about that? Between the first few paragraphs of this column and the end, I solved my challenge – maybe. My birthday wish is to make every day precious. You can help by letting me know your ideas for keeping life exciting and making each day count.
I want to celebrate daily and continue to be grateful that even though I don’t have all the answers, I can still get up and make a difference.
Pat Nichol is a speaker and published author. Connect with her at mpatnichol@gmail.com.