Shortly before Christmas, I was happily going along, caring for a dog and a house, when my life became extremely complicated. After helping a neighbour, I was heading back to my car to run some errands and I tripped. I caught the toe of my shoe or perhaps a rock, who knows? I flew about 10 feet and landed rather ungracefully on my right hip.
My first thought after I finished whimpering was “I better just be bruised” as I not only had many things to do and places to be, but also, I didn’t want to be a cliché – woman in her 70s breaks a hip.
My brother – as brothers are wont to do – accused me of trying to get out of cooking Christmas dinner.
Long story shorter, it was broken. I spent 10 days in hospital, and still use a walker to get around this many weeks later. But not for much longer.
Through the experience, I discovered how important it is to have a network of friends. Friends, who not only came to see me in hospital and brought chocolates (the nurses loved that!) but also offered their homes for me to recuperate in. I could no longer live in my aerie with 14 steps; I needed something that was easily navigable and on one level.
No sooner had I voiced my concern than first one, then another and a third place was offered to me. So many friends were travelling and had no need of their small sanctuaries. I received not only sanctuary offers, but also offers to chauffeur me to appointments, medical, physio and grocery shopping.
The lesson in all of this is that even though we are used to helping others, there may come a time when we must humbly ask for help. Tough, yes, but if you find yourself in that position, be prepared to tell your pride and your ego that they are no longer in charge. Allow others an opportunity to share their strengths and gifts.
Now that I am out and about, my ego and my pride are taking a back seat. It is still difficult to ask for help, but it is getting easier. In the future, I will be able to ask, but I will also be more aware of others’ needs.
I am starting a group called Hip Chicks. If you are over 60 and have had a hip event, you are welcome to join.
Soon, I’ll be fully healed and ready for ziplining in Costa Rica in October. But before then, please join me on March 12 at Pearkes Recreation Centre in Victoria, where I will MC the annual 55+ Lifestyle Show. I look forward to seeing you there!
Pat Nichol is a speaker and published author. Connect with her at