Working out at the fitness centre can be a technical nightmare. Some of those gadgets in the gym are pretty intimidating to a first-time visitor.
Although machines are a great tool to achieving overall fitness, traditional equipment like barbells and dumbbells continue to be just as effective. Standard weight sets and machines both have their advantages and disadvantages. The type you choose to use – or to use more often – depends on your individual goals and needs.
Machine Advantages
- Effectively isolates a single muscle or muscle group.
- Generally safer, and is recommended for beginners, younger weight trainers, the elderly or those recovering from injury.
- Less time is wasted changing resistance and preparing equipment.
Machine Disadvantages
- Supporting muscles are not used, because balance is not necessary when using machines. Therefore, it’s not effective for a more holistic, full-body workout.
- Some machines control the speed of movement or vary the resistance through the range of motion. This is not a natural imitation of daily movements or most sports motions.
- Machine adjustments may be limited, so some machines may not accommodate very short or very tall people.
- Limited variety of exercises.
- Machines are costly, use more space, and may need maintenance.
Free Weights Advantages
- Unlike machines, they also develop supporting muscles around the muscle being exercised.
- Improve balance and co-ordination.
- The exercises more closely imitate natural movements and the motions of most sports.
- Inexpensive and use little space.
- A wide variety of exercises can be done.
Free Weights Disadvantages
- Training alone, without a partner (spotter), may be dangerous if heavy weights are used.
- Proper exercise technique is critical to avoid injury.
- Weight plates can fall off the bars, if not properly secured, causing injury.
- Changing resistance is time consuming and inconvenient.
- Because many muscles are used to help you keep your balance, it’s difficult to isolate a specific muscle with free weights.
Ask a fitness instructor at your neighbourhood fitness centre to show you which machines or traditional free weights would be the most beneficial, based on your goals and ability, and how to correctly use them.
If you are looking to purchase equipment for home use (like a weight set, a treadmill or an exercise bike), try it at the gym first to be sure you will enjoy using it on a regular basis.
Eve Lees has been active in the health & fitness industry since 1979. Currently, she is a Freelance Health Writer for several publication and speaks to business and private groups on various health topics.