Do You Really Want Someone to Complete You?

Twice this week I had conversations with friends, 55+ both expressing the desire to find partners that would “complete” them.

“Why do you want to be complete? And, why do you think another person could possibly complete you,” were the thoughts that ran through my mind during these chats.

If we’re lucky, we’ll NEVER be complete. We will continue to be curious, to wander, to seek out new opportunities, to embrace new learning and ponder new wisdom, awe at new skylines and have experiences that help us grow, make us stronger and connect us to our higher self, but never complete. If we ever were, then what?

As you embark on the second act of your life and want to feel a sense of completion, try;

-Taking an art class then complete masterpiece-after-masterpiece.

-Complete a college program and put it to work.

-Complete a race and then a triathlon.

-Complete that screenplay then get out there and sell it.

-Complete a volunteer shift then sign up for the next one.

-Complete that project sitting in the garage.

-Complete promises you made.

-Complete skating, skiing, Spanish, music or whatever lessons you want, then go out and play.

Now is the time of your life to complete all the things you wanted to do but never found the time.

I like the thought of knowing I can always be more, learn more, do more, give more, see more, grow more. Always evolving. We are meant to be forever “under construction,” and need to accept that everyone we meet is also under construction.

If you are seeking to share your life with someone, don’t put the expectation upon them that they will make you whole or complete you.

Seek out someone that will be beautifully incomplete right along side of you. Someone that supports you as you both find your way, maybe mess things up and then put them back together again.

Someone that supports your desire to be more than you are.

Someone that cheers you on, that you can laugh, love and wander through life with.

Someone that absolutely loves your imperfections, would never try to change you but rather looks forward to watching you grow.

Someone that sees you as beautifully incomplete and loves your incompleteness ~ completely.



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