An Unexpected Journey I Didn’t Sign Up For

I told them I didn’t want to be 80. Nonsense, they said. It will be fun, they said. New adventures, different things to do, they said. Hah!

So, in November I turned 80. Not bad, not much is changing; I still feel much younger. People still say I don’t look 80. People on the phone say I don’t sound 80. Folks, this is what 80 looks and sounds like.

Being 80 was simply fine until the middle of December. I went for some tests, still feeling great. My last test was a CT scan. Dressed, I was ready to get in my car and head for home. Christmas things to do, don’t you know?

No, you are coming to emergency. What? No, I have places to go, baking to do. Thus, began a roller coaster ride that looks like it is going to last a while.

Life sometimes leads us on journeys we would never go on if it were up to us. From emergency to being a full-time patient for three or four days. I’m still feeling sort of fine, no reason to be there as far as I can tell, plus no visitors, nothing to distract. That is okay, I have books to read, a room of my own, and a TV to play with.

Then came the reason I didn’t get to go home: a smudge on my liver. Needs a biopsy. Still not worried. Doc is pleased, just lots of juice, doesn’t seem serious. Looks like a bad infection, so antibiotics pumped into my system. I am discharged with a pocketful of pills. So, I am home for Christmas dinner – an untraditional Paella. Yum!

Post-holidays, the journey takes a hard turn. It is not just an infection; it is cancer. Told you I didn’t want to be 80.

While I don’t have many answers yet, I am now on this path that many of you have already taken. I have determined that I will talk about it, share ideas and adventures, as they come along. How courageous and outrageous I will be is yet to be seen.

I am surrounded by love, compassion, and great friends. Not sure I am going to like every step of this voyage, so if you have some suggestions, I would love to hear them.

Found this quote recently: “Don’t be afraid, have faith, find the lessons. Trust the journey.” So, I will.

We are all taken aback by the news from Pat. Both I, the publisher, and Bobbie Jo , the editor, have worked alongside Pat for almost the entire existence of the magazine. Pat came to me shortly after I began publishing to propose writing a column. Sixteen-plus years later we are still collaborating. Her monthly writings provide humor, inspiration and wisdom. Not only does Pat write for the magazine but she’s become the MC at all our events. It wouldn’t be the same without her smiling and calm face. Pat is my role model in how to conduct myself in this world. She’s kind and a little cheeky. Confident and yet vulnerable. And always ready with a hug and a warm word of appreciation. Pat, we love you dearly and we’re here to support you in whatever way we can. Be well, stay strong! — Barbara Risto, Publisher


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  1. Jan

    Be outrageous! Be courageous! You’ve got this, whatever it entails. Share your journey with us all to inspire so many of us as you do. Sending healing energy your way. Love and hugs, Jan

  2. Nelles Shackleton

    Pat, you have always been my Angel, Seanna called me to let me know, I am so lucky to have you in my life. You were always there to inspire me by becoming Courageous.and Outrageous. I took your advise and dyed my hair. Today I continue to follow your footsteps. You inspired me and encouraged me when I was down, you kept me firmly on the ground. I thank you my dear friend for sharing so many events in my life. I will walk beside you Pat,I’m sending you hugs and hold you in my heart.

  3. Seanna Nichol

    My beautiful and courageous Mom. I’m so proud of you and I will continue to walk beside you for as long as we have. I love you xoxoxo

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