Kindness is like a garden of blessings.
In these days of chaos, we often think “what can I do to help?” How do we translate our generous spirit into action? The answer: volunteering.
Whatever your skills and talents, use them to help others, on your own or through a group. Volunteering is one of the best and fastest ways to combat feelings of loneliness and isolation. Choose an organization or a cause where you will feel comfortable and can contribute your best.
Maybe the thought of an organization doesn’t appeal to you. What about simply getting in touch with neighbours and spending some time each week talking and sharing company? You can offer to drive someone who doesn’t drive to appointments.
Is there a cause you would like to support, but feel that you would be stretched financially if you did? Find out how you can share the time or knowledge you have. Think about how much time can you give and what hours do you prefer to work.
Contemplate what you want to get out of the volunteer work you do. Is music your passion? There are many organizations that would love to have your help: symphony, jazz, musical theatre. They all need volunteers. Sometimes behind the scenes; sometimes in front of the action.
If sports and being outdoors is more to your taste, what about volunteering for marathons? My daughter gets a great kick out of getting up at 4:30 in the morning to mark the numbers on participants. If that hour does not appeal, there are lots of positions throughout the day and throughout the race itself.
Does politics appeal to you? Through the years, I have had great fun and met many interesting people by volunteering in political campaigns. Everything from waving to cars on the side of the road to acting as an assistant to a candidate. Ask me about sharing an elevator with a Prime Minister.
There are many ways to volunteer. Care for the earth as a volunteer gardener or as part of a clean-up team; or what about a pet project? If you can’t have a pet of your own, but you like to walk, how about walking a dog for a neighbour or for your local SPCA?
No matter where, no matter what, anything you can give will be received with love.
“It is one of the most beautiful compensations of this life that no one can sincerely try to help another without helping themselves.” –Ralph Waldo Emerson
Pat Nichol is a speaker and published author. Connect with her at