A New Vision?

Today I found myself in a quiet office, without staff, catching up on the various things that still need to be done. A virus has brought production of INSPIRED Magazine to a temporary pause but, as the owner of the company, I still have responsibilities to fulfill.

Amid the various tasks I managed to complete, I received two phone calls.

One was from a Victoria reader, eager to know when the next magazine would be published. I said “July” and proceeded to explain why we needed to shut down for two months. She interrrupted to say “I know you had to do that, I don’t blame you… I just miss reading it and can’t wait for it to be back.” I asssured her the magazine would be back.

As I hung up, I reflected on the number of people who have expressed similar sentiments. I felt grateful to those who, in the middle of crisis, still reach out in appreciation.

Shortly after fielding that call, I got another. This time from a reader on the Lower Mainland. She told me she belonged to four senior activity centers and wanted me to know that some recent columns written by Family Caregivers impacted her to such a degree she was sharing them with these senior centres.

She went on to say, “I didn’t know why I needed to belong to four senior centres, but this virus situation has made it crystal clear – they each have been a lifeline.” One, she said, provides regular phone calls. Another provides meals. Another has a book club that helps her keep her mind engaged while in isolation. And so on.

Hearing from these two callers – I was reminded how much INSPIRED Magazine has become part of the community fabric. It warmed my heart and gave me an injection of optimism about our collective future.

I’ve always known that INSPIRED Magazine evokes an emotional response. When readers call the office, often the first words out of their mouths are: “I love your magazine”. They may occasionally follow up with a complaint but it’s in the context of how emotionally invested they are in wanting us to do our best.

As we move forward in the months ahead, it may not be smooth sailing. But I know there are many people rooting for INSPIRED Magazine and eagerly waiting to engage again with the uplifting energy it evokes.

Today I was grateful for these two people who took the time to call and let me know they appreciated the effort we make every month to publish a quality magazine for the 55+ population.

When I founded the magazine 16 years ago it was with the intention to honor those who have such wisdom, grace and positive energy that AGE becomes IRRELEVANT. It’s a vision that I still hold today.

This magazine has been a mission from the heart. I believe those who have made INSPIRED Magazine part of their monthly reading routine do so because they feel the resonance with that intention.

I’m eager to take inspiration to another level. I believe this is the time in the life of our planet to show how connected and compassionate we are, while celebrating our diversity and uniqueness.

As I envision how we emerge after our two month pause, it’s a time to reflect on what we’ve done well, and how can we do even better.

I welcome anyone with ideas or thoughts around this to drop me an email.

Barbara Risto, Publisher


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