This is a love story. Not your usual love story. It is a story about the love a community can share from a distance.
On a brilliantly sunny day in December, I was on Salt Spring Island, a 45-minute ferry ride from my home. My friend Laurie was with me. The island has peace and tranquility that is sometimes missing in larger urban areas. As we were headed for breakfast, I went to bounce up onto a boardwalk and caught my foot. I flipped a couple of times and ultimately landed on my back.
The love begins here. Within seconds, Dan from Parks raced out of his office with a blanket and a first aid kit, telling me not to move. I wasn’t planning on it just yet. Laurie took over, driving for the rest of the day. I got home thinking it wasn’t too bad. I sort of felt fine, a little shaky, but I could overcome this. I’m tough.
I wasn’t aware of how shock can protect the body. Thirty-six hours later, it hit. I could not move without groaning and moaning. It hurt – it really hurt. The lessons for me: I’m not 25 any more; my body does not bounce back as it once did; and life can change in an instant. My takeaways were to be vigilant, be aware and be present every moment.
I posted a light tale of what had happened on Facebook and more love began to flow. Dozens of virtual hugs, offers of soup delivery, flowers from a neighbour, many good wishes and lots of good advice. It went on, message after message from around the world. I truly felt surrounded by love.
Days later as more people read the original post, the love kept flowing. I am grateful for the love that can flow virtually. It doesn’t take away the pain, but it does make me feel like I am wrapped in a warm embrace.
Thank you all for that.
It also makes me aware that sometimes a simple gesture of love, no matter how trivial it may seem, can go a long way to making another’s road less rocky.
On March 13th, I’ll be at the 55+ Lifestyle Show at Pearkes Recreation Centre in Victoria. If you are there, and you see me, please come and give me a real hug – and I will give one back.
Pat Nichol is a speaker and published author. Connect with her at