Thirty-four years ago, I set out on the road I am now travelling. I was about the age then, that my daughters are now. I belonged to a public speaking group, International Training in Communication (ITC), and one of the group exercises was to share a life goal.
My response, in the manner of my usual response to such a question was seemingly way out there: “My own Mercedes for my fiftieth birthday.” Everyone laughed and so did I. Several weeks later, a different place, same exercise, same response. Then, a third time, the same exercise was assigned, and the response from the group was unchanged. But something in my response had shifted; it was no longer lighthearted.
“Wait a minute, this is the third time this question has been posed in a short period of time. What is happening here?”
Now, all these years later, I realize the universe, my angel, even my subconscious was yelling at me – and it was time to listen! It was time to move from the passenger seat of life into the driver’s seat, and so began this joyous journey.
As it turns out, I did not get a Mercedes for my fiftieth birthday. But that was the year I started my own company, and moved into the driver’s seat of a sexy little black Chevrolet Beretta with extremely throaty pipes.
Seven years later, I wrote a book called Becoming Courageous and Outrageous. When Barbara Risto took a bold leap, and began to publish this magazine, her courageous leap led to one of mine. I nervously approached her and suggested that the ideas in my book might fit with the ideas in her magazine. Thus, my journey now encompasses all of you. I hope some of the ideas and thoughts I share help you with your journey.
So, pay attention when an idea, a question or a thought keeps coming back. Listen to it, know that somewhere, somehow, something is suggesting there is a goal, a dream that needs to be acted upon. If you don’t act on it, it may be lost. Our world needs your ideas, your dreams.
Back to the beginning. Later this month, I will be speaking to the international body of ITC in Seattle. I think I will remind them that a dream, a goal can be achieved; even if it doesn’t arrive in a Mercedes. Good luck with those dreams!
Pat Nichol is a speaker and published author. Connect with her at