“I find it frustrating when a day goes astray, and all the possibilities that slept in that day remain unmet.” –John O’Donohue, Irish poet
Once again, another year has skittered away on me. Can you believe a mere 17 years ago, we had made it through Y2K? How many of your days have gone astray and what are you going to do to make sure the upcoming days don’t get the opportunity to do so? Here is a suggestion to take up so the year does not get away again: Build a dream.
Do you find each day simply happening and disappearing into the ether? I realized recently I have gone too long without dreaming. It is time to begin dreaming again. Time to imagine a new story for my life and believe in it. Body and soul need new challenges on each and every one of the New Year’s 365 days.
It is time to look at everyone and everything as if I am seeing them for the first time, especially the smallest of things. Often, the big things loom so large in our lives that the delightful small things get blotted out. It is time to open our eyes, our minds and our hearts to the dreams we have shuttered away in dusty cabinets. It is time to listen to the still, small voice that whispers in our ear and reminds us of those things we love to do and seemingly don’t have time for anymore. Make the time! Fling open the dusty cabinet doors, and bring those dreams to the fore.
For the past year, I procrastinated putting together a new website. As of the end of December, it was complete and ready to be shared with the world. My dream is to be able to share possibilities that will help you become all you can be. The rest of the dream – and now a goal – is that I finish writing the books that have been moldering in boxes. I am going to allow you, my readers, to hold me to account. You have my permission to nag, question and jeer, if I do not show you that I am working on my dream.
However, you can only do this if you are also believing in yourself and imagining your story and working to achieve it.
Thank you for sharing 2016 with me. I look forward to the joy this year will bring to all of us. Happy New Year!
Visit Pat’s website at patnichol.ca
Pat Nichol is a speaker and published author. Connect with her at mpatnichol@gmail.com.