10 Tips for Weight Loss Success

If you made a New Year’s weight-loss resolution, consider these factors to help you succeed:

1. Be prepared.

Reserve one day to shop and replenish your supply of healthful foods. If you aren’t prepared, you’ll likely eat foods you’re trying to avoid. Set aside one or two days weekly to prepare healthier choices: bake several chicken breasts, cook a large batch of whole grains, prepare sliced veggies.

2. Avoid skipping meals.

When you are hungry, eat! Without proper fuel, your body burns muscle not fat. Muscle is more active than fat, therefore, with less muscle, your metabolism slows. You’ll be less efficient utilizing stored body fat.

3. Exercise regularly.

Regular, moderate activity maintains muscle as you lose fat. Muscle is highly active tissue, so you’ll utilize more body fat all day long. Exercising once a week isn’t enough to stimulate these metabolic changes. Do it at least three times weekly and for at least 20 minutes.

4. Watch for misinformation,

like weight-loss books written by self-proclaimed nutrition experts. Seek advice from the true nutrition/diet experts: a Registered Dietician (RD) will help you separate fact from fallacy.

5. Lose weight slowly.

Quick weight loss (more than one pound per week) shocks the body. It will fight to regain the weight it was familiar and comfortable operating with. Slow weight loss is permanent because the body and mind are allowed time to accept it. Also, it’s physiologically impossible to lose more than one pound of fat in a week. If you’ve lost more than one pound, chances are it’s not all fat – you’ve lost valuable muscle tissue and water, as well.

6. Find help and support.

Mingle with people who support and encourage you. Find someone with similar weight-loss goals. Join a support group or start your own.

7. Keep a journal or video diary.

It’s easier to stay focused on your goal if you record your exercise and eating habits. You’ll notice patterns leading you to success or failure. Monitoring your progress and achievements will keep you inspired, like recording your measurements and body fat.

8. Set realistic goals.

Goals keep us focused and motivated. However, unrealistic goals (like losing 25 pounds this month) are unhealthy and unattainable. Set a sensible major goal and several mini goals to reach it: like losing 25 pounds in five-pound increments.

9. Reward yourself.

Losing weight isn’t easy! When you reach each mini goal, you deserve a “treat.” Have a massage, see a movie, or buy an item of clothing.

10. Feel worthy.

You are important, cherished and special to many people, no matter what you weight. Think positive thoughts and be encouraging in your self-talk. Being your own best friend boosts your self worth and your confidence.


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