We continually learn more about the human body and the foods that fuel it.
The latest research is finding more evidence that balanced gut bacteria, or microbiota, is necessary for the body to function properly. Poor gut health is being linked to almost every known disease, disorder or discomfort humans suffer.
Balanced intestinal microbiota allows our body to more effectively absorb the many nutrients from our foods. Nutrients are the “tools” the body needs to operate efficiently; to keep us healthy and alive. Without these nutrients, we risk a weakened immune system (among other things), making us susceptible to a myriad of health problems.
Eating a high-fibre diet is key to achieving balanced microbiota. Fibre is the food/fuel intestinal bacteria need to survive. Fermented foods and probiotic supplements are probably useful to help regain gut health, but this is treating only the symptom of poor gut health. It is not getting to the root of the problem.
Unfortunately, the average person eats a diet high in convenience foods – foods that have had much of their natural fibre removed during processing (or changed drastically, so it is not as effective). And few people actually eat lots of vegetables! Most of us prefer a plate loaded with meat, complex carbohydrates like potatoes, and a vegetable or two as the “side dish.”
Experiment with switching that around: Focus on vegetables or plant foods first. Have a large tossed salad, lots of vegetables on your plate, perhaps fresh fruit for dessert. The meat should be a small side, and the serving of complex carb (potato, rice, etc.) smaller than your clenched fist.
Fibre is in plants. Not in meats and fats. Stay curious about that. And be very concerned about your long-term health if you are following any diet that focuses on meats, fats or eating low carbohydrates.
Eve Lees is a Certified Nutrition Coach, a Health Writer & Speaker, and a former Personal Trainer with over 30 years experience in the health/fitness industry. www.artnews-healthnews.com
Eve Lees has been active in the health & fitness industry since 1979. Currently, she is a Freelance Health Writer for several publication and speaks to business and private groups on various health topics.